Saturday, November 5, 2011

Put your Hope in His Unfailing Love

Why is that even though we know God's love never fails sometimes we still  try to find love and happiness somewhere else, we try to put our hope in other things, and we get distracted , we walk away from his love...
Psalms 33: 18 says that The eyes of God are on those whose hope is in His unfailing Love...

So where do you put your hope in?
your spouse?, friends?, money? your own effort?  or can you truly say your hope is in His unfailing Love.

the truth is that  nothing nor anybody has the ability to COMPLETELY satisfy  us with true happiness and love . When we hope that something or somebody makes us happy we are asking them to do something they can't do. Only God can do that!!! so if our hope is not in Him we are wasting our time.
But when your hope is in Him then His love flows through you and he gives you joy, a joy that doesn't go away even in the middle of trials and darkness. You are simply OK no mater what ,cause you know HE LOVES YOU!!   and then you can't help it but spread His love everywhere you go!

Put your hope in Him!!
His love never Fails !!!

 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well Matthew 6:33

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