Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just cuz you have a license doesn't mean you can drive

Lately I have been noticing how many people that are driving on the roads are terrible drivers. I stare at half the people on the road an ask did they pass their driving test? How do they still have their license? With that said..the question "does having a license make you a legit driver?" is obviously answered.
Is this any different with "Christianity", lots of people say and actually do believe in Jesus Christ, believe He's real..He's God..He's coming back..made us etc. Does that make you a Christian? The answer is NO.. It makes you a believer... (so is the devil) are we living as believers...or Christ followers...A real Christian is a disciple and a disciple is someone who pushes themselves aside and lives to know, listen and obey Jesus Christ.

You see, so often we get caught in believing in God...and trying to do the right things...instead of truly committing to become His thing! I don't want to just believe and do, I want to live to become the exact person God created me to be. So I challenge you to ask yourselves...are you just believing and trying to do the things you know you should and have to..or are you living this life to become the son or daughter that can change and shake nations for God's kingdom?

Kyle Johnson

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Take me In

As the deer longs for streams of water,
      so I long for you, O God.
  I thirst for God, the living God!!!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Growth

This is now 2012, the last year has gone by so quickly and this new year i feel that God is changing and making things new. This year for me i want to be a year of growing tremendoulsy and tuning my ear to hear his still small voice. I wanna be as close to his as possible.

For new years we (altars band) went to TN to play for a church my uncle goes to, and it went awesome. The lord really spoke to me in a really different way. The guy that talked spoke on "watchmen" we are the watchmen over certain things. God has placed every single one of us to a thing/person/family to watch over . That weekend i believe God really told me who i am to watch over and keep under my wing as the way that i look at it. I wanna be faithful to his word and what he told me so i am.
