Recently, Altars Band was asked to be a part of the "Sound of the Now Generation" conference in Greer, SC. We led worship for the weekend along with House of Prayer and members of AWC (from South Africa). We had an amazing, life-changing, earth-shaking encounter with God! Many profound and prophetic words came forth but maybe the biggest for us was the word given to Altars Band. We received a word from the Lord that we were called to go to the nations and release an "Apostolic" sound! This is not a common term or calling in music but it is a HIGH calling. We are called to go and set up and play unto the Lord and release HIS praise, not ours, but HIS through us! WOW! This was all very heavy to me and I was praying through what this really meant. The weekend after we were asked to come and play at an outdoor worship night in the nearby city of Clayton, NC. God revealed what he meant in a BIG WAY!
We were scheduled to join several other area bands/worship teams from around the area. We were scheduled to close out the night. The day was awesome with lots of great bands, the best being the bluegrass band which was Pastor Jay's FAVORITE! Haha HUGE exaggeration! Great band none the less. Throughout the day I was praying asking God what He wanted to release in the city and say to the people. There was never a clear answer but I knew that He had BIG plans for this city and the people in it. Our time came to close out the night and we all prayed and took the freezing cold stage. We started the night with some good ol' fast songs, mainly to get some blood flowing to keep from getting frostbite. About 20 minutes into the set, while singing "How He loves us", I heard the Lord say, "THAT is what I want my people to declare over this city! I LOVE THEM"! WHOA!! Let me tell you there is NOTHING like hearing the voice of the Father! I repeated to everyone outside in the square what the Lord had said. I also felt the Lord wanted us to walk to the edge of all four corners of the square and declare and sing over passers by and the whole city that "God Loves YOU!". People scattered to all parts of the square and began to sing, declare, and bless the city. The most amazing thing to see were the young people and the youth stepping out in faith, maybe not even realizing what they were doing, and reaching out theirs arms and hands, weeping, and blessing the city. Yelling at the top of their lungs "HE LOVES YOU"! People were driving by with windows rolled down only to be hit in the face by the screams and blessings of many generations and whether they realized it or not the very real presence of God! This went on for some time and we came back together and declared corporately that "God is the God of THIS city". We all walked away from the evening changed forever and we KNEW that God's will had been done and we had released His heart over the city.
This past Sunday Pastor Patrick, from Life Community Church in Clayton, joined us at our church for a luncheon. Pastor Patrick was one of the visionaries for the event. He began to share a few testimonies from the outreach. He told us that there was a gentleman who that very night was evicted from his aprtment and had no place to go. He HEARD the music from more than a mile away and followed the sound to the square where we were worshiping. He walked all the way to the front row and just sat in the presence of the Almighty, not even knowing what was happening! God ministered to the man and his life was touched. He proceeded to tell us that there was another couple in his church that was not able to make it to the event. He saw them at church the next day and said, "We missed you guys last night." They responded to Pastor Pat with, "We didn't miss a thing. We were five blocks away and heard the whole thing."
THAT is the power and goodness of our God! We are all called to release a sound somewhere. I pray that this story encourages you! NEVER think that your one voice cannot impact where you are. Release blessings wherever you are and speak life to everything and everyone around you. Be a part of what God is doing in the earth. You ARE a part of the "Sound of the now Generation"!!
Love you all!
Josh Lambert and Altars Band
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Ramadan- Abby Cole (Member of Altars ministry)
“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of ALL the nations. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you, even to the end of the age’.” (Matthew 28:19).
Hi, everybody!
I wanted to make you all aware of an event that is occurring soon. Muslims all around the world will be celebrating Ramadan, the holy month of fasting in Islam, August 11th through September 9th. During this time, Muslims will be in prayer and will not eat from sunrise until sunset. I want to encourage you all to join with me and many other Christians around the world during these 30 days for prayer and fasting to plead for revelation, insight/understanding, and the salvation of those of the Muslim faith. This is a large group of people that truly need our prayers and witness. Last year, out of 100,000 known groups of Muslims, 220 of those groups did not have a local Christian witness. This year, out of 100,000 groups, 200 groups do not have a local Christian witness. Please keep those that currently are witnessing to the Muslim people in your prayers, as well as praying for new witnesses to rise up and fulfill their calling.
Islam is a very in-depth religion. I want to give you some key information to help you better understand this belief system and what to be praying for. Please bear in mind that this is only the tip of the ice burg, if you will, and is not all-inclusive. Islam has existed for a long time. Muslims believe that it started with Adam. Muslims believe in One God, the Creator of all things; angels and evil spirits; prophets (such as Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and Mohammed); Mohammed was the last and greatest prophet; the Holy books (the Torah-books of Moses, Zabur-Psalms, Injil-Gospel, and the Qur’an; the Day of Judgement for all people; and that the Bible has been modified by Christians and the Jews. They do not believe that Jesus is divine or in salvation through His death, sacrifice, and resurrection; to them, Jesus was only a prophet. Islam has Five Pillars which are obligatory religious practices for adult Muslims. Those pillars are: 1. Reciting the Creed, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.” 2. Prayer-five times each day (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and nightfall). 3. Alms giving-both obligatory and voluntarily giving to the poor. 4. Fasting, especially during Ramadan. 5. Pilgimage, or hajj, at least once in a lifetime to Mecca. Mohammed, considered by them to be the last and greatest prophet, is considered the ideal man and an example of how every Muslim should conduct themselves. Prior to Mohammed, Arabia abounded in idol worship. Mohammed claimed to receive revelations from the archangel Gabriel, which came to form the basis of the Qur’an. He claimed that these revelations were the final, supreme message from God.
I have included a list of nations with significant Muslim populations for your use, but again, this list is not all-inclusive. I hope that this helps you get your feet wet and that you will join in this intercession. Please ask the Lord what He would have you do and pray for in these next 30 days. I pray that you will reach out to your Muslim neighbors, acquaintances, coworkers, etc, especially during this time. It is not God’s will that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9); He loves us all way too much! I pray that the Father’s heart would continue to grow and manifest in you during the next 30 days and from here on out. God bless you all!
In Christ’s amazing love,
Indonesia Iraq Mali Azerbaijan
Pakistan China Tanzania Chad
India Ethiopia Senegal Tajikistan
Bangladesh Saudi Arabia Tunisia Libya
Turkey Uzbekistan Somalia Jordan
Iran Sudan Kazakstan Ghana
Egypt Yemen Guinea Philippines
Nigeria Syria Cote d’levoire Sierra Leone
Afganistan Malaysia USA Kyrgyzstan
Algeri Niger Burkina Faso Cameroon
Morocco Russia France Mozambique
Hi, everybody!
I wanted to make you all aware of an event that is occurring soon. Muslims all around the world will be celebrating Ramadan, the holy month of fasting in Islam, August 11th through September 9th. During this time, Muslims will be in prayer and will not eat from sunrise until sunset. I want to encourage you all to join with me and many other Christians around the world during these 30 days for prayer and fasting to plead for revelation, insight/understanding, and the salvation of those of the Muslim faith. This is a large group of people that truly need our prayers and witness. Last year, out of 100,000 known groups of Muslims, 220 of those groups did not have a local Christian witness. This year, out of 100,000 groups, 200 groups do not have a local Christian witness. Please keep those that currently are witnessing to the Muslim people in your prayers, as well as praying for new witnesses to rise up and fulfill their calling.
Islam is a very in-depth religion. I want to give you some key information to help you better understand this belief system and what to be praying for. Please bear in mind that this is only the tip of the ice burg, if you will, and is not all-inclusive. Islam has existed for a long time. Muslims believe that it started with Adam. Muslims believe in One God, the Creator of all things; angels and evil spirits; prophets (such as Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and Mohammed); Mohammed was the last and greatest prophet; the Holy books (the Torah-books of Moses, Zabur-Psalms, Injil-Gospel, and the Qur’an; the Day of Judgement for all people; and that the Bible has been modified by Christians and the Jews. They do not believe that Jesus is divine or in salvation through His death, sacrifice, and resurrection; to them, Jesus was only a prophet. Islam has Five Pillars which are obligatory religious practices for adult Muslims. Those pillars are: 1. Reciting the Creed, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.” 2. Prayer-five times each day (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and nightfall). 3. Alms giving-both obligatory and voluntarily giving to the poor. 4. Fasting, especially during Ramadan. 5. Pilgimage, or hajj, at least once in a lifetime to Mecca. Mohammed, considered by them to be the last and greatest prophet, is considered the ideal man and an example of how every Muslim should conduct themselves. Prior to Mohammed, Arabia abounded in idol worship. Mohammed claimed to receive revelations from the archangel Gabriel, which came to form the basis of the Qur’an. He claimed that these revelations were the final, supreme message from God.
I have included a list of nations with significant Muslim populations for your use, but again, this list is not all-inclusive. I hope that this helps you get your feet wet and that you will join in this intercession. Please ask the Lord what He would have you do and pray for in these next 30 days. I pray that you will reach out to your Muslim neighbors, acquaintances, coworkers, etc, especially during this time. It is not God’s will that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9); He loves us all way too much! I pray that the Father’s heart would continue to grow and manifest in you during the next 30 days and from here on out. God bless you all!
In Christ’s amazing love,
Indonesia Iraq Mali Azerbaijan
Pakistan China Tanzania Chad
India Ethiopia Senegal Tajikistan
Bangladesh Saudi Arabia Tunisia Libya
Turkey Uzbekistan Somalia Jordan
Iran Sudan Kazakstan Ghana
Egypt Yemen Guinea Philippines
Nigeria Syria Cote d’levoire Sierra Leone
Afganistan Malaysia USA Kyrgyzstan
Algeri Niger Burkina Faso Cameroon
Morocco Russia France Mozambique
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Worship Conference
Hey Guys,
Hope you are all well. We just got back from the Worship Extreme Conference in Greer, SC and WOW did God show up! We joined up with House of Prayer from Dominion Church, AWC from Florida, and Brian and Ramey Whalens.
There was such an amazing spirit of unity. We had never met or played together yet our hearts for God and His presence brought us together and it seemed like we had been playing together for years. It really started there and only went bigger and better! God made His presence known throughout the weekend in many forms. Dance, worship, prophetic words, I could keep going...
There are not many words to describe the heaviness of the presence of the Holy Spirit but Altars Band was blown away.
HUGE THANKS to Pastors Mr. and Mrs. Hester, as well as Matthew Hester and his family, and all of Dominion Church for having us and hearing the voice of the Lord.
God Bless you all!
- Josh Lambert -
Hope you are all well. We just got back from the Worship Extreme Conference in Greer, SC and WOW did God show up! We joined up with House of Prayer from Dominion Church, AWC from Florida, and Brian and Ramey Whalens.
There was such an amazing spirit of unity. We had never met or played together yet our hearts for God and His presence brought us together and it seemed like we had been playing together for years. It really started there and only went bigger and better! God made His presence known throughout the weekend in many forms. Dance, worship, prophetic words, I could keep going...
There are not many words to describe the heaviness of the presence of the Holy Spirit but Altars Band was blown away.
HUGE THANKS to Pastors Mr. and Mrs. Hester, as well as Matthew Hester and his family, and all of Dominion Church for having us and hearing the voice of the Lord.
God Bless you all!
- Josh Lambert -
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Gear Page
Hey Guys,
Hope everyone is doing well and having a GREAT week so far. Just wanted to put some of the gear on here for those of you who are wanting to know what we play and use. So here goes:
Line 6 Spider Valve
Line 6 Flextone III XL Amp
Epiphone Les Paul Standard w/EMG's (89 N,81tw B)
Larrivee L-03
Custom built pedal board
TC Electronic Polytune
Dunlop CryBaby 535Q
Dunlop DVP1 Volume Pedal
Robert Keeley Compressor
MXR Classic Distortion
Fulltone OCD
Ibanez TS-9 Turbo Tubescreamer
TC Electronic Nova Repeater
Shure Wireless System
T1M custom buffer
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe 40W w/ WGS Custom 30 speaker
Gretsch 5120 Hollowbody
Gibson Les Paul Custom
Breedlove Atlas Series Black
Vintage Alvarez 12-string
Custom Build pedal board
George L's .155 cables
Ernie Ball VP Jr. Volume
Korg Pitchblack Tuner
MXR '76 Vintage Dyna Comp
Burriss Boostiest ii
Visual Sound Jekyll and Hyde
TC Electronic Nova Repeater
T1M custom buffer
Thanks for reading and we love you guys. Keep going after God with EVERYTHING you have!!
Altars Band-
Hope everyone is doing well and having a GREAT week so far. Just wanted to put some of the gear on here for those of you who are wanting to know what we play and use. So here goes:
Line 6 Spider Valve
Line 6 Flextone III XL Amp
Epiphone Les Paul Standard w/EMG's (89 N,81tw B)
Larrivee L-03
Custom built pedal board
TC Electronic Polytune
Dunlop CryBaby 535Q
Dunlop DVP1 Volume Pedal
Robert Keeley Compressor
MXR Classic Distortion
Fulltone OCD
Ibanez TS-9 Turbo Tubescreamer
TC Electronic Nova Repeater
Shure Wireless System
T1M custom buffer
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe 40W w/ WGS Custom 30 speaker
Gretsch 5120 Hollowbody
Gibson Les Paul Custom
Breedlove Atlas Series Black
Vintage Alvarez 12-string
Custom Build pedal board
George L's .155 cables
Ernie Ball VP Jr. Volume
Korg Pitchblack Tuner
MXR '76 Vintage Dyna Comp
Burriss Boostiest ii
Visual Sound Jekyll and Hyde
TC Electronic Nova Repeater
T1M custom buffer
Thanks for reading and we love you guys. Keep going after God with EVERYTHING you have!!
Altars Band-
Monday, July 5, 2010
What is Altars?
Altars of Worship,
Covenant Church international,
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Meet the band part I
Altars of Worship,
Covenant Church international,
North Carolina,
Friday, June 11, 2010
Tracking Drums
Hey guys, Just updating again :) We were tracking drums for 2 songs yesterday in the studio. Sounds Great so far. Can't wait to get this CD going! More to come this week, keep checking back for more updates!
Altars Band
Altars Band
Altars of Worship,
Covenant Church international,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Recording In The Studio
Hey Guys, what's up? Just thought we'd post some pics of us in the studio recording our latest audio tracks for copyright, Song of Victory and The Beautiful One.
Capano played and sang for The Beautiful One and Duud' for Song of Victory.
We also recorded some vlogs tonight with the rest of the band that should be up soon. Thanks for checking us out! Love you guys!!!
Altars Band
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hey people!!! I'm so excited about this summer and all the stuff that we are working on!! Soon we will be going down to South Carolina to a Worship conference, which btw is going to be SICK!!! I'll post some info later on... Also we are about to start recording some of our songs, so that's something to be excited about ;) Anyways, we are at the studio, chillin' and talking about tons of stuff. As band, we get together every wednesday, and 2 out of the 4 weds we practice, then the 3rd wed we talk about creative, promoting, and some other stuff about the things we wanna do in the future, then the 4th wed we work on songwritting stuff... so now is the creative meeting thingy and we are brainstorming about all the cool things that we are planning to do.... so I kinda have to go, haha, but i'll talk to you guys soon!! God bless you all!!!
Gabriel a.k.a. duud'
Gabriel a.k.a. duud'
Friday, June 4, 2010
Custom built pedal boards

Altars of Worship,
Covenant Church international,
Pedal board,
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
isnt it today a great day?!?!?! man i love summer and the heat!! i always long for summer, maybe because it reminds me of my homeland... anyways, am here at the studio with my buddy Paul and we are about to start working on some video editing stuff, its gonna be sick!! and Josh just posted a Vlog sharing his heart, check it out!! God bless you all and praises to the King of kings!!
-Gabriel a.k.a. duud'
-Gabriel a.k.a. duud'
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
facebook page
Hey guys!! a quick note: become a fan on facebook, like our page!!
- Gabriel a.k.a. duud'
- Gabriel a.k.a. duud'
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Studio Drums Micing

Hey everybody!! So Travis and I (Gabriel) just messed with the mic placement and stuff for drums recording at our studio, and man it's gettin awesome!! For those who don't know, Travis is our freakin awesome drummer, heck yea!! so we are very excited about where all this is going, so just keep up with what's going on, cause soon we will have the rest of the band video bloggin and stuff, plus a few more surprises !!
- Gabriel a.k.a. "duud' "
Altars of Worship,
Covenant Church international,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
PDG aftermath
Hey everyone, your friendly neighborhood bassist here, thanks so much for coming out to this friday's Altars of Worship with Paul David Guidry, it was amazing, We really touched God and had an amazing time worshipping in his presence. Keep checking back for more updates! We will be rolling out some new videos soon, and some more studio updates! Love you guys!
Altars of Worship,
Covenant Church international,
Paul David Guidry,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Paul David Guidry at Altars
Hey guys, Paul here, hope you're doing well, the band will be meeting tonight at the studio with Paul David Guidry. He'll be joining the Altars band tomorrow night.
Here's the info from the facebook event;
Come join us at CCI as Paul David Guidry will be here this Friday to join Altars Band as we usher in the presence of our God! Paul is a highly anointed worship leader and gifted in intercessory worship. Come expecting God to move in a new way as we seek His face with everything that we have.
Check out Paul @
Friday, May 21, 2010
7:30pm - 11:00pm
12621 Strickland Rd
Raleigh, NC
Here's the info from the facebook event;
Come join us at CCI as Paul David Guidry will be here this Friday to join Altars Band as we usher in the presence of our God! Paul is a highly anointed worship leader and gifted in intercessory worship. Come expecting God to move in a new way as we seek His face with everything that we have.
Check out Paul @
Friday, May 21, 2010
7:30pm - 11:00pm
12621 Strickland Rd
Raleigh, NC
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
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